Ninja Hattori is an Animated Cartoon Serial. The serial started airing on 13th May 2013. The total numbers of episodes are 104, and the Running time of the serial is 53 minutes. This serial is airing in several Asian Countries, which includes Bangladesh and India. The serial is written by Fujiko A.Fujio and published by Kobunsha. The original network of the show is TV Asahi. The producer of the show is Takahiro Kishimoto, Satoshi Kaisho, Kei Mizutani, and Motomichi Araki.
Rahul Bhatt
Rahul Bhatt is a hunk Indian model turned actor an >> Read More...
has given Music to the show. The English network of this show is Nickelodeon. Netflix, Disney Channel, and Cartoon Network.
The star cast of the show includes Kanzo Hattori, Kenichi Mitsuba, Shinzo Hattori, Shishimaru, Tsubame, Kemuzo Kemumaki, Kagechiyo, Yumeko Kawai, Aiko Sensei, Jinzo Hattori, Jippo, Koike- Sensei and Ama Mitsuba. The story of the serial focuses on the Kenichi Mitsuba, who is an 11 years old average kid. Every day he goes to school and struggles there with his studies. Being a kid, he is very lazy and stubborn. He ends up irritating and frustrating his parents and teachers. He always finds an easy way to his problems, and he always finds Hattori to solve his problems. After some time, a little ninja named Shinzo becomes a friend with Kenicho. Hattori and Kanzo become part of the Mitsuba family and protect the family from all the bad things.
Hattori always keeps an eye on Kenichi, just like a true friend. Kenichi falls in love with Yumeko and does all the crazy kinds of stuff for her. On the contrary, Kemumaki, a Koga Ninja along with his Ninja Cat named Kagechiyo troubles Kenichi. Hattori and Kemumaki both are being the
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stands against each other. Hattori stands to protect his friend Kenichi and Kemumaki, stands to put Kenichi in trouble. Sometimes Kenichi and Hattori start fighting with each other due to certain misunderstandings. The Production Location of the show varies sometimes and it is from Tokyo City, Shinto Temple, Iga Province, Iga Mountains, and Koga Valley.