Favourites is a Malayalam show that airs on Amrita TV, a 24-7 Malayalam satellite channel, every Saturday at 11:30 am. Favourites is a music program that plays the latest and popular Malayalam songs back-to-back. The distinctive feature of the show is that it doesn’t just provide refreshing music, but also provides all the information there is to know about the song and the people involved in its making.
While the song and its video are playing on screen, the details of the songwriter, music director, composer, singers, the movie in which the song appeared, and the actors appearing in the video are also flashes on the screen. Along with this, a little information about their personal life and their works in the industry is also shared. This way, viewers can enjoy the music and also learn a few things about their favourite singers and actors.
Another Version of the Show...
Favorites in a Malayalam music show that is aired on the channel Amrita TV. The episodes are 30 mins long each. The show when first telecasted was aired at 2:00 p.m on Sundays. But then the show was moved to a different timing according to the availability of slots. Now the show is telecasted on every Saturday at 11:30 am. The show is a compilation of the latest and popular hit songs of the Malayalam movie industry. The show brings together all the trending and most talked about movie songs of the week together in this half an hour show.
All the songs that the audiences have liked and listened to the most in that week, whether they are groovy and peppy dance numbers, heartbreaking sad songs or soft and melodious romantic numbers, those are the songs that are featured on the show. So you can say that the show is about half an hour of your most popular and liked songs of the week. Also if you might have missed on any new Malayalam movie song which is getting millions of hits online and it being liked by audiences across the globe, this is the place you will get to know about it and listen to that song.
However, the only drawback the show can have is that the show only features new movie songs. Any popular album or pop songs or music singles from well-known musicians or singers are not featured on this show. The most interesting bit of the show is that during the show, when the songs are being played, the host of the show keeps giving us all the related information to the song. She discusses in details about the composition of the songs, the composers, the singers involved in that song. She also shares bits of interesting trivia about the movie to which the song belongs.
She talks about interesting incidents that may have happened during the shooting of the song, with the actors actresses, the music director or anyone related to the song. This makes the show fun to watch and informative at the same time. She does a good job in keeping her audience glued to the television set during the running of the show