Kudumbasametham or Kudumbasametham Manikutty is recently launched Malayalam entertainment family comedy drama show that airs on one of the prominent Malayalam entertain television channel Jaihind TV on weekdays , Saturdays and Sundays from 9:30 pm onwards as per the Indian Standard Time (IST). The runtime of the serial is around 40 minutes including the commercials. Renowned Malayalam television actor Timy Tom is seen playing one of the lead and pivotal roles in this family comedy tele-serial Kudumbasametham Manikutty. Another noted Malayalam television actress Subbalakshmi is also seen playing a prominent role in the television serial. Till date Kudumbasametham has aired around 40 episodes and has become favourite show among the viewers and audiences. It is a light hearted comedy serial which involves the story of two keralite families who are neighbours and the masters and mistresses of both the families fight with each other daily over petty issues. The situation gets worse when the children of two families falls in love with each other and decides to get married and inform their respective families about their feelings. From here on, a string of comical situations and hilarious incidents follows where these two lovers become instrumental in uniting these two families so that they happily consent to their marriage.