What's Your Status is a Hindi-language web-series that premiered in 2018 on Cheers YouTube Channel. The web-series focuses on the lives of three men as they experience the different status of Single, Committed, and Married. What's Your Status presents the lives of Baljinder Singh, a single MBA aspirant, TejKiran (TK), a committed and working gentleman, & Bharat Kulkarni, a marketer and married man. Through the stories of these individuals, the series aims at decoding the hassle and heartwarming experience of being in the respective status.
The series begins by introducing the characters and their perspective on the journey. Baljinder Singh is tired of being single and is hoping to find his soulmate in college. Meanwhile, TejKiran has prioritised his sleep to fly to Mumbai and surprise his long distance girlfriend. Lastly, Bharat Kulkarni takes the viewers through his Sunday and how he plans the day for himself.Â
The story escalates when Baljinder Singh gets attracted to Nisha, a new admission to college. Meanwhile, TejKiran gets cheated on by his girlfriend and finds solace in Sandhya, a new friend he made at the mall. Sunday plans for Bharat abruptly take a new turn when he realises it's his wedding anniversary and decides to make his wife happy. What happens next? Watch the serial to find out.
What's Your Status is an Indian web series. The series is written by Sandeep Balan He is an Indian writer in the film industry. He ha >> Read More... and directed by Prateek Prajosh Prateek Prajosh is an Indian actor and a known fil >> Read More... , Amit Mishr, and Madhur Agarwal Madhur Agarwal is an Indian Director and Producer. >> Read More... . The lead cast of the series includes Manjot Singh Manjot Singh was born to a Sikh family, in Delhi o >> Read More... , Naveen Polishetty Naveen Polishetty, who is best known for his writi >> Read More... , Abhay Mahajan Abhay Mahajan is an actor predominantly working in >> Read More... , Plabita Borthakur Plabita Borthakur is an Indian Theatre Artist, act >> Read More... , Anisha Victor, and Megha Burman Megha Burman is a talented young actress who has s >> Read More... . Watch What's Your Status on Cheers YouTube Channel.