Zoomit Playlist, as the name suggests was a Television music show that aired on the channel Zoom. In January 2014, the channel welcomed this new show along with the New Year. They began the year with a musical note with Zoomit Playlist which started on 14th January 2014. The show was made to play songs on account of the wish of the viewers. The show was open to the public demands. Viewers could send requests to the channel while the show was aired to allow their desired song to be telecasted at that time.
Along with the song, the sender’s profile picture was visible according to the request of the song made by the respective person. Viewers could also send in short messages termed as ‘dedication messages requested to dedicate a particular song to someone. This request was made through the Facebook profile of a person. One could easily request their favourite song to be played through the app to the channel.
Zoomit Playlist is a sort of an extension of another show just like this one called Zoomit! which was highly popular. This one is an example of seamless integration of social media through a multi-channel engagement that is Zoomit. The playlist ensures that the viewers get their own choice of music to watch and thus giving a chance to the people to express their emotions and be able to listen to their desired songs in the morning itself. The show had a massive presence on social media.
Adding to that, it is even one of the most viewed Bollywood music channels on television. Thus, it had a lot of connection with the youth. The number of fans of the show on Facebook account to around Rs 57 lakh which is like the highest for an Indian television brand. It has thus provided a fertile user-base for the show. The show, Zoomit Playlist also introduced a new concept of ‘Social Jockey’. This was for the first time that a small screen had initiated such a forum to provide for song requests made by the viewers via social media and to play them on Indian television.
This kind of format was made for the best on the small screen. The timing was from 8.30 to 10.30 am. This two-hour daily format allowed viewers to put up an request for songs of their choices to be played and featured on-air and thus giving users a window to express themselves on social media as well on television.