The television channel Zindagi launched three new shows at the end of May 2015 of which Teri Raza was a very popular one. It started to air in India from 25th May 2015 to 17th September 2015. Teri Raza is written by Zafar Imran while the director of the show was Syed Ahmed Kamran Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . The show Teri Raza which a Pakistani one, aired by the name Shehryar Shehzadi Shehryar Shehzadi is a Pakistani television serial >> Read More... on the channels Urdu1 and A-Plus. In India, it aired on Zindagi. The story of the show is a real-life story of an innocent girl Sarwat. She was born amidst immorality, but such was her trust in the existence of God that it turns her world around.
As the story proceeds, each and every negative character of the story repents for their mistakes and all wicked deeds that they have done. In the end, it is the truth that prevails. As the story proceeds, it becomes more and more mature in nature as in enters into the idea of a serious-duty drama. Saba Qamar Saba Qamar is a Pakistani Beauty. She is a model. >> Read More... plays the lead role as Sarwat. She believes that the role played by her in this serial is one of her favourite ones ever. The performance by Saba is also beautiful as she portrays the role of the girl Sarwat and expresses the mindset and feelings of the protagonist so well.
Other members of the cast include Faizan Khawaja Faizan Khawaja is a Pakistan television actor. He >> Read More... as Imran, Imran Aslam Imran Aslam is a Pakistani actor. He was born in L >> Read More... as Zabraan, Farah Shah Farah Shah is a Pakistani television actress and m >> Read More... as Shaista who played Sanam’s mother, Soniya Hussain Soniya Hussain was born on July 15, 1991. She was >> Read More... as Sanam, Waseem Abbas He was born to Inayat Hussain Bhatti, a very renow >> Read More... as Sarwat’s father. Also, Nayar Ijaz, Manzoor Qureshi  Manzoor Qureshi was a popular Pakistani actor b >> Read More... , Gohar Rasheed Gohar Rasheed’s full name is Mirza Gohar Rasheed, >> Read More... , Rashid Faroqui, and Nusheen Shah were a part of the show. Imran Aslam who played Zabraan has won many hearts through his performance in Teri Raza with his impeccable acting and dynamic personality. He plays the role of the money-mined ad selfish Casanova who does not respect women and is only concerned about the outer beauty of a person. The show was aired on the channel Zindagi and telecasted from Monday to Saturday.
Teri Raza was a very famous show not just in Pakistan but also when it appeared in India; it gained a lot of attention from viewers. The story is very different from what Indian viewers are accustomed to watching but still it was a major attraction among all shows n the channel. However, unlike most shows on Indian television that run for years, Teri Raza, too, like most other Pakistani ones has a short time span of sixty episodes.