MTV Stuntmania is a reality show based on biking stunts, which happens to be the first biking stunt reality show in India. The first time India displayed the thrill on television was in September 2009. The Indian audience witnesses numerable bike stunts on and off the street in the reality show. The host of the last show was the very famous VJ – Rannvijay Singh Ranvijay Singh is the prolific television host of >> Read More... . The show begins with choosing certain stuntman for performing on the show. Contestants are chosen for the show accordingly. The stuntmen are provided with bikes that have been sponsored by Bajaj.
Since Bajaj sponsors the Pulsar model, every stuntman is provided with a 220 DTS-i Bajaj Pulsar. All stuntmen are required to perform various stunts on the bike that appeases the audience. Their skills in bike stunting decide whether they will advance towards the next round or not. The first episode of the show requires all the contestants to divide themselves up into multiple teams or multiple squads. These teams are usually named after colors like Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red. The members of the team also get to decide a name for their teams.
To differentiate each contestant while performing stunts on the bike, the contestant rides a bike of the same color as his team. In every episode, challenges that need to portray skill and survival stunts are featured. Skill Challenges involve the contestants of a particular team performing various tasks and activities while performing a stunt. These tasks can be decided before the actual performance. The squad that manages to perform all the best tasks remains immune in the competition and gets to go the next round.
The teams that are unable to pass the Skill challenge satisfactorily has to face the challenge of a Survival Stunt. One member from every team gets nominated to represent the team and perform the survival stunt. The team representative that performs the worst is eliminated. This process is continued throughout the show until the best performers remain. However, before the competitors move on to the finale, a previously eliminated contestant has the opportunity to return to the show through a Wild Card Click to look into! >> Read More... challenge. In the Wild Card challenge, all the eliminated participants get an equal shot to return back to the show. All eliminated competitors have to compete with one another in a series of daunting challenges to achieve a chance to return to the show.
The show ends with a grand finale, and the best stuntman is awarded a huge cash prize and the title of India’s best Stunt rider. The winner also gets a complimentary Bajaj Pulsar. According to the latest season of MTV Stuntmania (Season 3), the winner was shown to get the opportunity to train with one of the best Stunt riders in the world – ' Jorian Ponomareff Jorian Ponomareff is a professional stunt rider wh >> Read More... '.