Humsafars is an Indian drama television series which premiered on 22nd September 2014 on Sony TV. It ran every evening on weekdays from Monday to Friday. Gul Khan Gul Khan is one of the leading Indian Television p >> Read More... is the director of the series, and 4 Lions Films is the producer of the show. The duo of ShivyaPathania, who plays the role of Arzoo, and Harshad Chopra, who portrays the character of Sahir, are the leading pair of the serial. The show revolves around these two protagonists. Arzoo values relationships which are honest and truthful. Sahir meanwhile is stuck in a bind.
He loves Arzoo, but can’t forget or let go of his wife who has been in a coma for a long time. Arzoo is a virtuous woman who is immensely hardworking. She lives with Nausheen, her mother, and Zara and Myra, her two sisters. She has dreams of achieving success in the fashion industry and becoming a fashion designer. She nurtures only hate for Sarfaraz, her father, who had left her mother and sisters to fend for themselves and married Farah. Things take a sudden turn when an accident leads to the family factory to burn down. The factory being the sole source of their income, its destruction forces Arzoo to go to Mumbai and look for a job. She takes help from Alvira Chaudhary, who is a close friend of Nausheen. She stays at her place and starts to look for a job. She gets lucky and lands a job at the respected fashion house of Saiyaara.
Through a sequence of events, Arzoo disrupts a fashion show by mistake and gets confronted by Sahir. She throws her phone at Sahir in a burst of anger but later comes to realize that Sahir is her boss and the CEO of the company. He is also the eldest child of Alvira. Arzoo draws the ire of Anam, who is Sahir's sister-in-law. Anam even goes to the lengths of stealing Arzoo's designs and presenting before Sahir as e her own creation and acquiring the job of the chief designer. When Arzoo realises what has happened, she is livid but is ultimately able to prove the truth. In spite of Sahir’s annoyance of Arzoo, he recognizes her talent and efforts. As the story develops, he starts to get attracted to Arzoo. But he admonishes himself and doesn’t act on his feelings.
It is later shown that Sahir got married to Zeenat, and she has been in a coma for seven years following a car accident. He is stuck in a bind and is unsure of how to proceed with the situation.