Fraggle Rock is a puppet television series created by Jim Henson. It originally played on the CBC channel and is dubbed in Hindi and played on the channel DD Metro.
Fraggle Rock is a children’s show that features muppets. The show featured four special species, the Fraggles, the Doozers, The Gorgs, and the outer space species (humans), the first three being anthropomorphic characters. The series takes place on a planet that is not Earth. The Fraggles have varied colored fur with a tail ending with a tuft of fur and are about 22 inches tall. They live in a network of caves called Fraggle Rock. They are hedonists who do nothing all day but enjoy life but have culture and individual rights. They have the ability to share dreams by touching their heads before sleeping. Their staple food consists of vegetables, mainly radishes which they steal from the Gorgs, and Doozer sticks. The main Fraggle characters are Gobo, Monkey, Boober, Wembley, and Red. The Fraggles go Marjory the Trash Heap
for guidance and advice. This is a garbage dump of the Gorgs. The Doozers are another species that measure up to 6 inches. They are green creatures, who have an opposite lifestyle from the Fraggles. The Fraggles are hard-working creatures who purposelessly construct buildings in the Fraggle Rock. Their construction substance is made of candy that is manufactured from radishes, which is why the Fraggles eat them. Monkey Fraggle tells the others not to eat the Doozers’ work as it is disrespecting to them. When they fill up the entirety of Fraggle Rock with their scaffoldings, they request the Fraggles to eat them to make space for them to build more.
The other species are the Gorgs, humanoid furry creatures tanging 180 inches tall, who live outside the Fraggle Rock. The Gorgs are a family of three consisting of Pa Gorg, Ma Gorg, and Junior Gorg. Pa and Ma Gorg think they are the King and Queen of their world, whose occupation is farming. The parent Gorgs do not like the Fraggles as they steal radishes from their farm. The junior Gorg, however, chases the Fraggles in an attempt to befriend them since he has no one else to talk to. The Gorgs use the radishes to make anti-vanishing cream since they disappear without it. The Fraggles visit outer space, Earth, through a hole in the Fraggle workshop, which leads them to Doc, a man, to get postcards from his wastebasket. Until the last second episode, Doc is oblivious to the existence of Fraggles. When he finds out, he befriends them.