Fat Man and 13 Brides is a reality show aired on the channel NDTV Good Times which is presented by Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 and also powered by Max Life Insurance. It a comical and food-centric show that shows two aspects-marriage and food. An expert in the food line and TV presenter, Bikramjit Ray A self-confessed foodie and critic, Bikramjit Ray >> Read More... has been entertaining the Indian audience with his humour since a really long time and viewers ponder over how far he would go to just go out to look for a sumptuous dish.
With this show, he takes a step further as he signs up with the channel to do this show named Fat Man and 13 Brides where he is supposed to ‘eat his way all over the country’ to find a perfect bride for himself. Just he used to travel to far and wide places across the length and breadth of the country just in search of a dish, he did that again but in search for a wife! In Bikramjit’s words, it would be ‘a match made in the kitchen’. The show has a very humorous but interesting concept. He will visit 13 traditional Indian families including the Rajputs in Jaipur, a Malayali family in Noida, as well as the Jats in Haryana just to look for a girl who would be an ideal wife for him. Through this show, Bikramjit would not only give the viewers a lot of humour but also a wider perspective of each community and also their food habits in each episode.
The aim of the show to concentrate and bring to light rare recipes which probably date back to years old and these would be ultimately shared by the girl. The concept is not just about the food but the community as a whole including their cuisines, their traditions and rituals. Adding to this, viewers were also made aware of the traditions involved in the wedding ceremonies of different communities and how preparations go about them. The most important thing, however, is about the dishes itself.Â
The aim is to explore for such authentic dishes and their history. In the meantime, Bikramjit would come to know about the girl as well as her family and their culture especially the food. All the members at the end would ultimately decide if this foodie is at last, a worthy groom for their respective daughters or not. The channel had hosted a number of food and marriage shows but this one would be a very different one and a creative mixture of the two highly popular themes. The show aired on Saturdays from 8.30 to 9.30 pm.