‘DID Dance Ka Tashan’ featured contestants from Dance India Dance Super Moms competing against contestants from Dance India Dance Little Masters 2. The show aired in November 2013 was judged by choreographer Ahmed Khan Ahmed Khan is a multi talented personality of the >> Read More... and Geeta Kapoor Geeta Kapoor is a renowned choreographer who is ju >> Read More... .
The show was hosted by Rithvik Dhanjani Rithvik Dhanjani is a popular television actor, da >> Read More... and Nihar Gite Nihar Gite, a kid prodigy, holds the record for cr >> Read More... (a child actor). Rithik later turned into famous TV actor. Geeta Kapoor came on the stage with lavish costumes, and Mithun Chakraborty When we talk about the few legends in the Indian f >> Read More... was as usual appealing with his designed suits.
Choreographer Ahmad Khan too had performed on the stage to enlighten the viewers and then took his seat as a judge besides Geeta Kapoor. Mithun Chakraborty continued to be as Grand Master in the show. His decision was final. Rithvik Dhanjani and Nihar Gite was the presented the show. In this show, all the little kids from Season-2 of ‘Dance Indian Dance Little Masters’ came upon the stage to shake their legs with DID Super Mom.
Hence, Mithu, who won the ‘DID Super Moms’ title along with her other finalists namely Shraddha Shah, Cecille Rodrigues, Zoya Khan Zoya Khan is a model, actress and a host, who was >> Read More... and Shivangi, Radhika, Divya, Sashwati took a chance to shake their legs with the contestants of Little Masters. The team of Little Masters included Saumya, Jeet, Shreya, Shalini, Rohan, Om and the champion of DID Little Masters Faisal Khan Faisal Khan was born in 1999 in Mumbai. His father >> Read More... made a comeback again on the stage.
Khan was a later winner of several other shows. The grand finale of the contest was held on October 19, 2013. Jeet Das Jeet Das is a well-known child artist. He is known >> Read More... was the cute young contestant who performed like Michael Jackson! Om was another cute contestant who knew a lot of acrobatics. He was first runner-up in season-2. Saumya Rai is of Manipuri origin. Both Super MoMs and little masters did provide five-star performance on the stage.