Zindagi Ek Bhanwar is a TV serial that aired on the channel Doordarshan National. The serial concentrates on a very important issue in India. More than an issue, it deals with an idea. The show revolves around the topic of the participation of women in politics. Participation of women in political affairs draws a lot of attention considering the fact that they have played a significant role in the affairs of the state. The serial revolves around a woman Sharda Devi, a housewife who suddenly enters into politics. Sharda’s politician husband nominates his wife to fight his Assembly seat after his party fields him to contest for a Parliamentary seat.
As a result, Sharda Devi comes in a confrontation with her son who is also an aspiring politician. The show totally revolves around the idea of politics. The show is fictional, but it also has a lot of real-life situations shown. It is not entirely away from the world that we experience. Zindagi Ek Bhanwar also tends to change people’s mindset about the participation of women in politics or seeing them as political leaders. The audience especially women could connect really well with the conflicts that go in the mind of the protagonist when she has to take decisions. Shoaib Choudhary Shoaib Chaudhary is a TV and movie director and pr >> Read More... , the producer, who created the basic idea of politics as the theme of the show justifies that though women have entered major parts of the human world in a big way, participation in political affairs is by far, really small.
The show does not concentrate on just high-level politics. It does show the troubles that arise. It shows the dirty game played by some, but the makers have not limited it to that. They have also made the show a family drama. In a way, the producers also wish to straighten the audience’s idea of politics. They feel that people also are related to it in some way or the other though they don’t realize it. It wishes to break the conception that politics need not be dirty always. Therefore, the makers have made a very real-life storyline so that it can change ideas.
The show had gathered a lot of interest and attracted the viewers a lot. It challenged many ideas and views. Politics is not just an easy game for those in power. The makers have brilliantly portrayed the protagonist’s view and also put forward the complexities faced by the two worlds. Zindagi Ek Bhanwar tends to portray a message. They succeed at it pretty well. Now it depends on the viewers if they can accept the message well or not. The show is a very creative effort especially on account of the present conditions. Zindagi Ek Bhanwar was telecasted at 9 pm from Monday to Friday on Doordarshan.