‘Saare Mausam Tumse Hee’ is a Pakistani drama series that was telecast on the Zindagi TV channel from 5th April, 2015 onwards. It was titled as ‘Shareek-e-Hayat’ which was a Pakistani anthology series shown on Hum TV. Each episode had a different cast and the Urdu drama was written by Ahmed Bhatti Ahmed Bhatti is an Urdu director. He works in Paki >> Read More... . A total number of 13 different stories were telecast from April 5th, 2014 to 19th July, 2015. For instance, some different episodes with different titles such as 'Tumhaara Saath Jo Ho' (telecast on April 5th, 2012), ‘Bichhad Jaane Ka Darr’(telecast on 12th April, 2015), ‘Aisi Bhi Kya Nafrat’ (telecast on 19th April, 2015), ’Har Qadam Tumhare Saath’ (telecast on 3rd May, 2015), ’ Daag’ (telecast on 10th May, 2015) and ‘Rishton Ki Pehchaan’ (telecast on 17th May, 2015) were aired on a daily basis.
Each episode in this series showcases the different situations revolving around one poignant theme "Soulmates". In every episode, one could witness the strength of the relationship between a married couple and the challenges they face to keep the strength of their bond intact. Every episode proved that married relations go through ups and down, hence each couple should face the trials and tribulations that life throws at them. There are moments of heartbreaks and disappointments in married life but yet the partners should try to keep their image as a perfect soulmate to realise the real definition what of what soulmate meant to them.
Another Version Of This Serial:
Someone has rightly quoted "The couples that are meant to be are the ones who go through everything that's designed to tear them apart and come out even stronger" and Saare Mausam Tumse Hi rightly depicts this. An episodic series reveals that flowers of love can also bloom in deep water. Based on the theme of 'True Love Never Dies' each episode beautifully overcomes the hurdles faced by the path of two loved ones. The series encompasses the souls of married couples and comes out with the lesson that chill winds are to strengthen our relationship at the end.
All the challenges, pitfalls and hardships if handled aptly, embrace and fortify our relation. It is a lesson to the modern time’s breakup age where love keeps on fluctuating with the shackles of time. Love can stay young and glow even after years of a pious union if two hearts are willing to understand and accept each other wholeheartedly. Love is eternal and not ephemeral. What matters the most is how two souls remain united till the end. There is no relationship on earth which does not have suffering’s but if you break the back of the beast and come out as winners then no mountain is too high to climb, and no bridge is too long to cross. At the end, love conquers all and All is well if End well.