Pandya Store is a remake of the original television series “Pandian Store,” which aired on Star Vijay. The serial premiered on Star Plus on 25th January 2021. The story of the serial is set in Somnath, Gujarat. However, the serial is shot mainly at the Film City, Mumbai. The first promo of the serial broadcasted on 26th December 2020, starring two characters Dhara and Gautam. The remake of the Tamil serial ‘Pandian store’ has been adapted into many languages like Bengali, Marathi, Malayalam, Telugu, Hindi, etc. Earlier, the timing of the serial was 10 pm. But it replaced the slot of ‘ Shadi Mubarak Shadi Mubarak Ho is an Urdu TV drama series on ARY >> Read More... ’ and ‘Lockdown Ki Love story.’ Now it runs from 7:30 pm from Monday to Saturday.
The story’s plot revolves around Pandya Store, owned by the late Darshan Pandya Darshan Pandya is an Indian television actor popul >> Read More... , father of Gautam. The responsibility of running the store has now come on the shoulders of Gautam, the eldest son, and he has to take care of his family, which includes his three brothers and mother. Gautam has to save the store as it is mortgaged and is the only source of their livelihood. He decides to marry Anita, Gautam’s maternal aunt’s (Prafulla) niece. Anita and Prafulla are greedy people who want to take the Pandya store.
After knowing that Pandya Store was mortgaged, Anita breaks the marriage. Then Gautam decides to marry Dhara. Dhara is Gautam’s friend’s sister. Dhara is a simple and kind-hearted girl. Together both Dhara and Gautam come up with an idea to bring the store out of the financial crisis. Eventually, they both fall in love. Gautam and Dhara make a lot of sacrifices to raise Dev, Shiva, and Krish. They both decide not to start the family and settle their brothers/brothers-in-law first. The serial leaps of ten years. Dev and Shiva are grown up now. Dev loves a girl Rishita. Rishita belongs to a wealthy family, and her family objects to allying with Dev and fixes her marriage with someone else. Raavi, the niece of Prafulla, falls in love with Dev. She gets along with the family. But Shiva and Raavi are at loggerheads. Rishita and Dev get married, and Shiva and Raavi get married. Rishita continues to create conflict in the family. She tries to insult Dhara and Raavi. Dhara and Gautam resolve all the disputes, debates, and heated spats in the Pandya family.