Pakpak Pakaik is a Hindi TV serial that aired on Big Magic. This serial, directed by ‘ Gautam Joglekar Gautam Joglekar is a professional Indian actor, di >> Read More... ,’ was originally a film that went by the same name starring ‘ Nana Patekar Nana Patekar is a popular Indian actor who was bor >> Read More... ,’ ‘ Narayani Shastri Narayani was born on 16th April 1978 in Pune, Maha >> Read More... ’ and others. Although the story looks like something meant for kids, it has a unique depth to it, touching the topics such as man's relationship with nature, education, andha-sradhha and more.
The story is about a mischievous orphan boy Chikloo who lives with his grandmother in a village that people believe to be haunted. The village is surrounded by an eerie forest believed to inhabit a ghost named, Bhutya. Chikloo is portrayed as a naughty brat whose endeavours often lead the villagers to queue in front of his grandmother to make complaints about him. This continues regularly and one fine day Chikloo decides to venture out into the forest on yet another self-proclaimed quest out of pure curiosity. It is here that he meets with the supposed ghost Bhutya who is nothing more than a mere human who has renounced the materialistic world.
When Chikloo comes out of the forest, the villagers believe him to be possessed by Bhutya and almost shun him. Intrigued, Chikloo returns to the forest the next day to meet Bhutya and after some confrontation both accept each other’s company. As the story continues Bhutya’s past is revealed. It is shown that he was once a Vaidu (an Ayurvedic doctor) who treated everyone equally. However, when he had once decided to treat a poor patient over a rich one his wife had been burnt alive in his own house by a few of the villagers. It was after that incident that he had decided to renounce the world and isolate himself from any other person.
Over the days he starts to open up to young Chikloo and teaches him to be a better human. Chikloo heeds his advice and indeed becomes a better person. He tries to convince Bhutya to return to the village but in vain. The transformation of Chikloo from a mischievous brat to a well-mannered human is what constitutes most of the story, and if you are into such stories full of depth and natural beauty, this show is just perfect for you. So, do have a look!