'Ladki Hona Gunaah Nahi' was on air on the Zindagi Channel in the year 2015. It is basically a Pakistani TV show with the title ‘Main Gunehgar Nahi’ which was telecast on ‘ARY Digital TV’ that contained 23 episodes. The serial was telecast every week from Monday to Saturday at 10.30 pm in the night. This Urdu drama was directed by Nadeem Siddique Nadeem Siddique is a Pakistani director who has ma >> Read More... and it was written by Seema Munaf Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . It is the story of a girl who becomes a victim of rape and the treatment that she receives in the society afterwards. Not only the people at her own home but also the society at large starts rejecting her. The serial throws enough light on how our society, which is basically a male-dominated one, treats a woman in a terrible manner even though it was neither her fault nor her crime. 'Ladki Hona Gunaah Nahi' basically means ‘being born as a girl is not a crime’. It is the story of a girl Ammara, played by the wonderful actress, Mawra Hocane Mawra Hussain is a Pakistani actress, VJ, and a mo >> Read More... . When she unfortunately becomes the victim of a rape incident her whole world goes upside down.
She is treated as a culprit after three robbers, who are actually the sons of a big business man, rape her just for the sake of fun. The society makes her feel ashamed of the incident even though she is not guilty of anything. Her close friend, Faizan(played by Sami Khan Sami Khan born on July 6, 1980 is a Pakistani acto >> Read More... ), who had promised Ammara that he will not leave her at any point in life, be it any difficulty that they came across, breaks his engagement with her post this incident. Ammara finally gets married to Zubair (played by Shamoon Abbasi Shamoon Abbasi is a Pakistani actor. He also direc >> Read More... ) but he marries her only for the sake of her wealth. Her series of unfortunate events continue as she is not treated well in her new family. One such incident that highlights her mistreatment is when one day Zubair's brother, Talha (played by Danish Ali Danish Ali is a Pakistani doctor-turned-stand-up c >> Read More... ), tries to sell Ammara to a wealthy man, but by some luck Ammara escapes from this evil plan. She then meets a journalist Zaid (played by Faizan Khawaja Faizan Khawaja is a Pakistan television actor. He >> Read More... ) who drops her to her home. Post this incident Ammara asks Zubair to give her a divorce but Zubair feels that Ammara is a weak woman and will not be able to do anything against him. Finally, she gets her divorce from Zubair and goes back to her father’s house and opens a boutique to become self-sufficient and independent. As the days pass by she meets Faizan again.
When Faizan comes to know about her past he requests the police to nab the robbers who had raped her. Even her ex-husband Zubair dies of cancer although Ammara gives Rs 10 lakh for his treatment. Finally, she gets back respect from her lover and her ex-husband and even the society. But she remains an independent woman. The story showed how a victim of rape is neglected and treated badly by everyone. Every episode showcased how a woman has to undergo through the humiliation and the grievance of a stigma but yet she goes on an inspiring journey of self-discovery and self fulfillment.