Zindagi TV channel had started the broadcast of its serial, ‘Ranjish’, from March 27, 2015. The show had a total number of 18 episodes and had ended airing its telecast on May 1, 2015. The show was broadcast every night at the 10.00pm slot from Monday to Saturday. This mystery thriller is written by Zoha Hassan Zoha Hassan is an artist who was born and raised i >> Read More... and directed by Aaabis Raza. The series is enacted by some of the most renowned Pakistani TV actors such as the gorgeous Sanam Saeed Sanam Saeed is a British - Pakistani actress who i >> Read More... , the talented Deepak Perwani Deepak Perwani is a prominent Pakistani model, act >> Read More... , the beautiful Angeline Malik Angeline Malik is a well known Pakistani film dire >> Read More... , the brilliant Imran Aslam Imran Aslam is a Pakistani actor. He was born in L >> Read More... , the competent Momal Sheikh,and the gifted Junaid Khan Junaid Khan is a prominent Pakistani singer, songw >> Read More... to name a few. Basically, the Urdu serial was aired on HUM TV in Pakistan on July 17, 2013. It was produced by Momina Duraid  A phenomenal producer and a brilliant director, >> Read More... with a different title called ‘ Kadoorat Kadoorat is a Pakistani drama TV serial that aired >> Read More... ’.
The story of the plot had revolved around a simple girl, Minah (played by Sanam Saeed), whose mother dies in a car accident when she was just eight years old. Her father got re-married to Atiqa (played by Angeline Malik) who was already a mother of two children. Her father felt that since she is already a mother of two children Minah could play with her children and think of them as her own siblings and eventually even start to accept and like her new mother. He also thought that Atiqa could take care of Minah along with her two children and raise her up as her own kid. But Minah is not able to accept them as her new family. Thus she ends up creating problems for her step family. It results in her father sending Minah to a hostel.
This makes Minah resentful of her father and she also tries to take revenge upon him to make him suffer. When Minah comes back home after completing her education, she again deliberately creates a problem for her family. She takes the help of a close friend Shaheen (played by Nida Khan ida Khan is a TV Actress, Model, and Writer. She h >> Read More... ) for this but in reality Shaheen envies Minah for her wealth. Minah trusts Shaheen but she comes to know the truth about Shaheen when she is back stabbed by Shaheen. At this juncture Minah’s family stands by her and threatens Shaheen. This one incident opens Minah’s eyes and completely changes her outlook of her step family. She now understands that family is the most important and foremost priority in life. In the end, Minah manages to rectify her wrong doings towards her family members and put everything right.