Havan is a Hindi language drama premiered on COLORS TV. It was first aired on 26th September 2011 and ended on 30th March 2012. It is a story of God and his devotee. It illustrates the relation of God and his devotee.
Havan is typically a religious drama scripted by writer
Rahil Qazi
and directed Nimesh Pandey and Shashank Kanwar. Aastha (acted by
Shrenu Parikh
) is a great devotee of God and she even feels like she shares a special bond with God through her devotes. This serial Havan tried to portrays the relationship between God and his devotee. But, when we talk about faith and belief, there are hardly any logical things present to prove it. Havan had got various things, which can be accepted and understood by through faith and belief not any by Science or logic. What happens when somebody who woke the belief of the existence of God, is questioned by putting allegations of being a hypo crate, who cons people in the name of God.
Likewise the same happened with Aastha, who was introduced to God by Hari Om Baapji (acted by
Narendra Jha
). Altogether, Havan was not a religious serial. It was just a small endeavor to explore the bond between a real devotee and his/ her God. In this series of Havan, they have shown how she was about to lose her faith and belief from God and even dejected his Guru Hari Om Baap Ji. But after few days she realizes, this was the evaluation conducted by God to examine her faith and belief on him and requested to God and Guru Ji to forgive her for losing her hope and belief in God.
This serial stands separate from the drama the other daily soaps. Despite of being it managed to give a tough competition to other popular serials of that time and collected ample viewership and accumulated average TRP (Television Rating Points).
(26th September 2011 – 30th March 2012)