Ammaji Ki Galli is a comedy TV show written by Aparijata Sharma and Divya Nidhi Sharma Divya Nidhi Sharma an Indian screenwriter was born >> Read More... (' Aloo Chaat Click to look into! >> Read More... ' fame). The show aired on SAB TV, running for four months, from June 2011 to September 2011. Set against the background of Delhi, the show revolves around 'Ammaji,' portrayed by veteran actress Farida Jalal. How Ammaji plays a silent yet pivoting role in the lives of the families residing in the 'Galli' is the plot. There are a set of unique and compelling characters around 'Ammaji,' including Parminder, portrayed by TV giant Rakshanda Khan Rakshanda Khan is an Indian model turned actress a >> Read More... . Her character has been drawn up as a vibrant Punjabi girl obsessed with cleaning.
Abir Goswami Abir Goswami was an Indian Film and Television act >> Read More... plays Parminder's husband, Sardar Surjeet Singh, with efficiency. He is busy in his own life, probably avoiding the embarrassment he faces due to his wife and his son, Bachchitter. Bachchitter repetitively pings everyone with his silly questions, making Parminder angry. Roshni Sharma is a plant lover who treats the plants like her babies and has names assigned to each one she has. She is also a fashionista. She is married to Surinder Sharma after a period of courtship. She fights with her family for materialistic things and hardly cares about others. She also talks very fast.
Priyanka is another funny yet fitting character in the show who is fond of samosas that she can never have enough of them. She is Parminder's neighbor, and Parminder cares for Priyanka as Priyanka's mother passed away at a young age. Priyanka is a bubbly and dumb girl who often makes stupid comments. The presence of Kalavati has been amazingly reflected on the screen by Alka Shlesha. She speaks in a language which only her daughter-in-law, Sheetal understands, who uses a catchphrase, 'Har Chees Mein Good Hota Hai Ji' (There's good in everything).
The viewers learn that there is also a twist in the tale throughout the show. Everyone in the 'Galli' brings their problems and secrets to Ammaji, but Ammaji has her secret. She pretends to be paralyzed, probably to stay at Parminder's house. The show is directed by well-known director Ravi Bhushan Ravi Bhushan is an Indian director, writer, and pr >> Read More... and produced by Contiloe Productions. The show has nothing new to offer other than some subtle and enjoyable characters. The entire series is lovely, even though predictable in bits and pieces.