Mad men season 2 aired from July 27, 2008, to October 26, 2008. The thirteen episodes series takes place in the time of Cuban Missile Crisis between February and October 1962. Don lies to his doctor about his drinking and smoking when he gets his physical insurance. He is therefore prescribed Phenobarbital for relaxation. A handsome rider Arthur Case comes and spends his time with Betty Hofstadt and Sarah Beth Carson in the stable. Peggy Olson goes to find Don while everybody is waiting for his arrival in Sterling Cooper Advertising Agency. Don finally arrives in the conference room and suggests giving hint of woman’s thigh for the ad of Mohawk Airlines. Betty and Don meet in the evening for Valentines. Trudy Vogel reveals Harry Carnes’s Pregnancy in the Campbell apartment. Next day Don is visited by two young interviewees. Don installs copy machine in Peggy’s office as a Valentine gift. Betty's car breaks down and she arrives late at home. Don is there reading Meditations in an Emergency, the book which he saw a fellow reading while having lunch. He then mails the book to an unknown person. The junior staffs attend Paul’s party at his New Jersey apartment.
Paul introduces Sheila White to Joan as his baby. On Monday morning the staff listen to the American Airlines crash report on the radio. Don pulls out the ads of Mohawk while Herman suggests Sterling Cooper to pitch for American airlines instead of Mohawk. Pete loses his father in the air crash. Meanwhile, Peggy pays a visit to her sister and mother. Drapers play cards at their home with Clanton’s and Bob and Betty. Pete remembers his last conversation with his dad while Trudy consoles him. Paul accuses Joan of being jealous of Sheila at the party. Herman asks Pete to attend a meeting at the American. Roger orders Don to notify Henry Wofford that they are dropping the project. Someone posts Joan’s driver's license with her birth of date encircled. Don takes Henry to a Japanese restaurant and informs that it was not his idea to drop the project .Henry leaves the place all upset. At the agency’s promotional shoot for Utz Potato Chips, Celebrity Jimmy Barrett compares owner’s wife to Hindenburg. Betty meets Arthur Case’s fiancé in the stable.
Harry finds out that Ken makes 100 dollars more than him when the envelope gets wrongly addressed to him. Once he tells his wife this, his wife asks him to demand more too. Harry starts to inquire about job openings. Don fires his secretary, Lois, and moves to clear up the mess. Joan becomes his temporary secretary. Don meets Bobbie Barrett, Jimmy wife cum manager and asks her what should he do to make Jimmy apologize to Utz owner’s wife, Mrs. Schilling. Don offers her a ride and they get stuck in a hailstorm where they kiss. At the stables, Betty meets Arthur alone where he tells her his complications with Tara and how she was jealous of her. Betty asks Arthur to not move beyond friendship. At dinner, Jimmy ignores Mrs. Schilling and gets close with Betty. Bobbie tells Don that apology will cost him 25,000 but Don says that he will ruin Jimmy’s career .So Jimmy apologizes to Mrs. Schilling. John Gill, a priest visiting the church has dinner at Peggy’s sister. After the dinner; he gives a lift to Peggy till subway. At the swank restaurant, Roger and Mona Sterling ask their daughter about her wedding ceremony and suggest her to have a lavish one instead of a small event. Bobbie comes to office proposing a television show with her husband Jimmy in it. A hooker, Vicky introduces herself as client’s wife to Roger. Herman Philips calls Don as he is needed urgently in the office since they got to pitch the American Airlines. While on phone, Bobby gets burned and Betty angrily leaves for emergency room leaving Sally with Don. On Friday morning Herman announces that his contact at American has been fired. At confession, Anita admits to Father that she hates Peggy because she had a child without a wedding. Betty and Don argue about parenting later at night when Betty asks him to do something about Bobby’s spilling drink. Bobby apologizes to Don later.
Don tells Betty that his father used to be violent and it made him think of murdering him and he doesn’t want to be that strict to Bobby. Pete Campbell and Trudy Vogel visit a fertility specialist. Pete tells the doctor that he does want money and blames the other factors for being the cause for his anxiety. In the office, Joan shows off her engagement ring. Bobbie calls Don for the celebration of the sale of the pilot episode of her show Grin and Barrett. After refusing at first he shows up there and meets up with Rachel Menken and her husband. Bobbie suggests Don go to the beach with her. While making out in the car they meet with an accident and he fails his sobriety check. Peggy comes to his rescue in the police station. Bobbie stays with Peggy while Don makes an excuse of his high blood pressure for the accident to Betty. Joan hires Jane Siegal as Don’s secretary. Ken informs Don that Jimmy wants to meet him. Bobbie asks Peggy why is she supporting Don and then she says that Don has done a lot for her. Jane attracts a lot of men around her and Joan tells her about the office decorum she should maintain. Pete finds out that it's not his sperms that were keeping them away from having a baby and this leads to an argument with Trudy. In a flashback, we see how Don helped Peggy in the hospital. Jimmy and Bobbie arrive at Don’s office and thank him for convincing the Utz potato owners for letting him do his TV show. At home, Betty cooks Don salt-free dinner.
Herman informs Don that Playtex wants a new campaign. Betty runs into Arthur at a country club who promises to stay out of her way. Don lies about having some work at the office and leaves the club and calls Bobbie but she cancels the plan. Roger asks Don to meet with Herman Phillips and settle things over American Airlines. Herman Phillips finds out that his ex-wife is getting remarried and returning his dog because of her new husband's allergy. Ken runs a casting call for bra models and Peggy complains about it.Pete winds up with a bra model. Betty makes Don breakfast wearing a bikini which according to him makes her look desperate. Peggy questions Joan about her not being included in the memo. Don reveals new Jackie and Marilyn campaign for the Playtex people but they decide to go with the current approach. Peggy overhears Fred’s suggestion to meet the Playtex executives at a strip joint. Herman abandons his dog outside the office. Don leaves Betty tied to bed after some conversations. Peggy shows up at the strip club all dressed up impressing the Playtex executives’ .At Don’s house, he sees something in the washroom mirror that he does not like. Don admires the latest models in Cadillac dealership. The salesman offers for a test drive which Don refuses. Later Don meets with Smitty Smith and Kurt Smith who are least interested in what they are told to do. Jane Siegel shows off his new painting, a Rothko to Ken, Salvatore, and Harry. Ken learns that Sal has read his story and liked it in Atlantic Monthly so he invites Sal for Sunday dinner to read his latest writings. Smitty plays a calypso song for pitch meeting for Martinson's people.
Jimmy invites Betty and Don to a party for the celebration of his Grin and Barrett show. Herman informs Don that they landed Martinson's account. Cooper calls Don in the office to tell him that he has been invited to the folk art museum. Joan fires Jane for breaking into Cooper’s office. Jane drops by Cooper's office before packing up and Roger asks her to come back on Monday. Don shows Betty their new car. Ken comes to Sal and Kitty’s apartment and has conversation over his writings .Once he leaves Kitty breaks down into tears feeling left out. On Monday morning Joan is surprised to see Jane back to work. At the party, Jimmy raises his doubt to Betty about Bobbie and Don having an affair .Don and Betty leave the place telling Betty is not feeling well .Jimmy shouts at him for screwing his wife. As Betty and Don drive their way back home she vomits on his lap. Betty asks Don Draper to repair around the house for weekend’s dinner party. Father Gill hires Peggy for church's upcoming teen dance. At Draper’s party Betty introduces her menu which makes the men find amusing. Church members criticize Peggy’s theme – A night to remember for church’s upcoming dance. Joan helps Harry read scripts at work. After the party, Betty accuses Don of having an affair with Bobbie but he denies it. Harry introduces Joan to Maytag executives the next day .Betty searches through Don’s closet at home. The Heineken executives agree to Don’s test marketing the beer in the suburban grocery stores. Don finds Betty drunk and upset but still he denies that he had affair. Harry hires a new employee, Danny, to read the scripts and asks Joan to help explain the work .Betty calls Don and asks him to not come home. Don stays at Roosevelt Hotel after he is asked to not come. He finds out in the paper about Marilyn Monroe’s death. Jane receives a phone call from Don’s daughter and wants to discuss what happen but Don refuses to do so. Peggy replaces Freddy for dress rehearsal presentation for Samsonite luggage executives. Sarah Beth visits Betty to borrow a dress. Roger sees Joan mourning in the couch for Marilyn.
Don returns home with kids and says that he does not want to change Betty’s mind if she has made her mind for them splitting. Jane buys Don a bag of shirts since he has been out of the home. Roger decides to fire Freddy over dinner telling him that it’s a six-month leave from which they wouldn’t take him back. On Carla’s (Betty’s housekeeper) advice Betty goes out to the stables and meets Arthur Case there. She invites him over for lunch with Sarah Beth. During the dinner, they fire Freddy and then end up in an illegal gambling club. The men discuss Don’s breaking marriage. Suddenly Don comes across Jimmy and punches him in the face. After Roger and Freddy come in between and take Don out of the club, Freddy leaves and Roger and Don end up in another bar where he admits that he is not sad but relieved about his break up with Betty. Next day Peggy gets Freddy’s position. Sarah gets surprised seeing Arthur for lunch. Betty never shows up and they both end up having lunch together .Mona Sterling barges into Don’s office and accuse Don to be responsible for Roger leaving her for secretary. Don then asks Roger to get rid of Jane.
Pete and Paul are ready to go for an aerospace convention in California. Don tells them Sterling Cooper’s ability. That night Trudy suggests Pete for adoption to which he refuses. Betty calls Don to go see her father who had a stroke. When they arrive at Eugene (Betty’s father) place he confuses Betty for her mother. Pete and his brother Bud discuss how their father has wasted their inheritance. Betty complains about their stepmother Gloria Massey to her brother William for which he says that at least she was there. Eugene accuses Don of not appreciating Betty. Pete pays a visit to his mother and tells him about her current financial state, that her husband spent it all on strangers. Betty and Don stay the night at her father’s house.
At their own home, Betty asks Don to leave and tells him that at her father's house they were just pretending. At the office, a baby shower for Harry is held. Don tells Joan that instead of Paul he will be going to California now. He asks her to inform him in person but she tells to him in front of everyone in the baby shower party. Paul then decides to go to Mississippi. Pete fears flying after losing his father to the air crash. Peggy helps him calm down. Betty finds Glen Bishop in the backyard that happens to be there for few days after running from his home. Betty then calls his mother and hands him over to her. Helen Bishop visits Betty and they talk about Betty’s relationship.