An animated series, 2 Stupid Dogs, is an American comedy show for kids. Donovan Cook is its creator and the director. He is co-producing the show with Larry Huber. Tom Seufert and Chris Desmond have composed the title track. Buzz Potamkin is the executive producer. Genndy Tartakovsky Genndy Tartakovsky was born on 17th January 1970 i >> Read More... and Craig McCracken are the art heads while Vincent Waller is the animation director. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons is the production company backing the show. Turner Program Services remains the original broadcaster while Warner Bros.
Television is the current holder of the distribution rights. The story primarily revolves around two dogs and the incidents that happen in their lives due to their foolhardy nature and the people around them. They both are called Big Dog and Little dog due to their size. The Little Dog is a dachshund and is brownish-orange in color. He is full of life and impulsive. However, he is mortally terrified of cats. The Big Dog is much more mature and stronger than the Little Dog. Whenever any cat tries to scare Little dog away, Big Dog comes to his rescue.
Big one is an Old English Sheep-dog of gray color. However, as is evident from the title, both are not intelligent and find themselves in tricky situations. There is also a cat that, despite being completely harmless, Little Dog is scared of. They often come across Mr. Hollywood, a man who does several jobs besides owning a pet shop. The dogs are also acquainted with four kids named Kenny Fowler, Cubby, Buffy Ziegenhagen, and Red. Kenny is often a victim of bullying at school due to his nerdy appearance.
Show portrays kenny’s crush on Buffy. Buffy too, likes him, but Kenny is unaware of it. The dogs help him out whenever the need arises. Cubby is a stout boy while Red is a tiny and patient girl. All of these character's interaction with one another leads to hilarious situations. Mark Schiff and Brad Garrett Born to Barbara and Albert Gerstenfield on April 1 >> Read More... lend their voice to Little Dog and Big Dog respectively. Brian Cummings, Jarrett Lennon, Candi Milo Candyce Anne Rose Milo was born in 1961 on January >> Read More... , Rob Paulsen, and Tawni Tamietti gave voice over to Mr. Hollywood, Kenny, Red, Cubby, and Buffy. The makers divided the series into two seasons each of which consists of thirteen episodes. It received a lot of love from the audience.