superhero based American animated television show produced and distributed by Cartoon Network Studio. Written by Chris Savino, Craig McCracken, Cindy Morrow, Amy Kealing Rogers and Jason Butler Rote, the series made its formal debut on 18th November 1998. It ended on 25th March 2005 airing a total of six seasons and two additional pilot shorts- ‘A Christmas Special’ and ‘The Powerpuff Girls Movie’ released on 3rd July 2002 by Warner Brothers and Cartoon Network in the United States.
McCracken originally developed this project while still in his second year at the CalArts. Formerly titled as ‘Whoopass Stew’, Cartoon Network enlisted it for the animated shorts of ‘What a Cartoon!’ showcase. Narrated by Tom Kenny, it had a total of seventy- eight episodes and one hundred and thirty- six segments, each having twenty- two minutes of running time.
The plot revolves around the escapades of three super girls namely, Blossom (in pink and voiced by Cathy Cavadini), Bubbles (in blue, voiced by Tara Strong On 12th February 1973, Tara Lyn Strong was born. S >> Read More... ) and Buttercup (in green, vocalized by E. G. Daily) created by Professor Utonium who is looked upon as a father figure by the girls. In an endeavor to carve out the “perfect little girl” using ‘sugar- spice and everything nice’, the Professor fortuitously spilled a peculiar stuff called ‘Chemical X’ into the mixture. As a result, three girls were created each having super powers like super speed, strength and senses, near invulnerability, super flight, x-ray vision, heat vision, invisibility control, over lightning and energy projection. Using these powers, the girls defend their fictional city of Townsville (United States of America), whenever and wherever called upon by the town’s mayor.
Apart from fighting villains and giant monsters and keeping their neighborhood safe, the girls also face usual children issues like going to school, personal hygiene, sibling rivalries, relying on a security blanket, bed- wetting, etc. Various media spin- offs and merchandise like anime and manga, television films, parodies and comedies, music sound- tracks, video games and toys circulated in the market contributing to its overall popularity among audience and fans. New York Times’ Peter Marks reviewed the show having a resemblance to the ‘pop- culture’ and intricate use of adult humor in punches.
The Powerpuff Girls was ranked number thirteen by TV Guide in a list of the fifty greatest cartoon characters of all time. The series was listed 18th in IGN’s Top 25 Primetime Animated Series of All Time in the year 2006. It won two Primetime Emmys in the year 2000 and 2005 and two Annie awards for the year 2001.