Oddbhuturey is a Bengali language web series that aired on 31 October 2019 by Hoichoi. Mrityunjoy Saha Mrityunjoy Saha is a Bengali film director. He has >> Read More... is the director of the series. This thrilling science fiction has a total of seven episodes that will put you in suspense and mysterious events. The cast members are Anindya Pulak Banerjee, Sudip Mukherjee  Sudip Mukherjee is an Indian actor who worked f >> Read More... , Saurav Das Saurav Das is a famous Indian actor, comedian, pla >> Read More... , Mishmee Das Mishmee Das ( Nick name:Mishy, Mishu) is one of th >> Read More... , and others. The series is a combination of seven stories having a common base called fear. It represents supernatural activities in relation to reality. It also shows the thrilling paranormal events, including suspense that will baffle you. The series unfolds the truth behind the supernatural scenes with scientific approaches.