Montu Pilot is an Indian web series that aired in Bengali language. It was telecasted on 13 December 2019 by Hoichoi. It has two seasons and a total of 19 episodes. It is directed by Debaloy Bhattacharya Debaloy Bhattacharya is an Indian director who wor >> Read More... , who features Saurav Das Saurav Das is a famous Indian actor, comedian, pla >> Read More... as Montu pilot, Solanki Roy Solanki Roy is an Indian Actress, who was born on >> Read More... as Bhromor, Chandrayee Ghosh Chandrayee Ghosh is an Indian model and actress wh >> Read More... as Bibijaan, Kanchan Mullick Kanchan Mullick is a famous Bengali actor who has >> Read More... as Taufik, Subrat Dutta Subrat Dutta also known as Subrata or Subroto Dutt >> Read More... as doctor, and others. The series follows the life of Montu, who dreamt of being a pilot. His mother tried to chase his dream but failed to do so. Later, Montu becomes a pimp (transporter of escorts). He becomes a harsh person and cannot feel love and sensitivity. Later, he meets Bhromor, who changes him by bringing values into his life. The series represents drama, romance, and love.