Mirakkel is an Indian reality show telecast on Zee Bangla. Hosted by ' Mir Afsar Ali Mir Afsar Ali is an Indian Radio Jockey, televisio >> Read More... ,' this show revolves around stand-up comedy. Participants come from all of India and Bangladesh to compete against each other. Whoever wins the heart of people by entertaining them the most wins the show.
The show constitutes of 10 seasons with ' Sayantika Banerjee Sayantika Banerjee was born on 12th August 1986 in >> Read More... ,' ' Biswanath Basu Biswanath Basu is mainly known as a Bengali actor >> Read More... ,' ' Paoli Dam The Bengali film actress was born on 4th October 1 >> Read More... ' and, ' Kanchan Mullick Kanchan Mullick is a famous Bengali actor who has >> Read More... ' as the respective judges. Aspiring stand-up comedians go through an audition to participate in the show and then proceed to compete against each other.
Each episode has the participants show their skill and wit to entertain the crowd with funny jokes and comedy. Whoever wins gets to participate in the final where the winner is declared.