Dadagiri Unlimited Season 7 is a Bengali television show aired on 10 June 2017 and ended on 25 February 2018 on the Zee Bangla channel. This show consists of 70 episodes, and the number of contestants was 420. The champion was North 24 Parganas. This game show is hosted by Sourav Ganguly Sourav Ganguly, a man with honor who has made Indi >> Read More... , the former Indian cricketer and current president of BCCI. Sachin Tendulkar Born in Dadar in Mumbai, Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar i >> Read More... was the chief guest of the show. This game show was directed by Subhankar Chattopadhyay Subhankar Chattopadhyay is one of the eminent pers >> Read More... and aired from Monday to Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. The show's title song was written by Srijit Mukherjee and sung by Arijit Singh.
The concept of the show was quiz-based. It was the most exciting and entertaining show on the channel, with a huge fan following. It was a light-hearted and entertaining quiz show and got a massive response and love from the audience of Bengal as well as outside India. It contained the seven rounds. The first round was the selection round, the second was the Toss round, the third was the Power play round, the fourth was the cover drive, the fifth was the Googly round, the sixth was the slog over round, and the last seventh round was Bapi bari jaa. In this season, the team Probasi was replaced by Team India.