Porer Meye is a Bengali-language drama aired on NTV from January 19, 2020, to March 7, 2021, produced by Kazi Riton Kazi Riton, born Kazi Abu Bakar Siddiky, is a reno >> Read More... and directed by Habib Shakil. It includes Intekhab Dinar Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Sadia Jahan Prova Sadia Jahan Prova is a model and television actres >> Read More... , Dilara Zaman Rafiquddin Ahmed and Sitara Begum welcomed Dilara >> Read More... , Golam Kibria Tanvir Golam Kibria Tanveer is a famous Bangladeshi model >> Read More... , Golam Haider Kislu, Muntaheena Chowdhury Toya, Shawon, Elora Gohor, Ariya Aritti, and Ashraful Ashish. The storyry revolves around the girl Najifa, a student. She marries Mitul without her parents' consent. For this reason, Najifa's father disowns her. However, Najifa's mother-in-law treats Najifa like her own daughter. Najifa also respects her. In the meantime, their daughter, Ariana, is born. After getting married, Najifa was unable to complete her studies. When Ariana is only six months old, Mitul gets murdered in a business dispute. Najifa finds a job for the survival of her daughter and mother-in-law. The son of the owner of the company Shayan where Najifa work, falls in love with Najifa. But Najifa does not reciprocate. The story goes on.