Nayantara is a drama serial that was telecast on SUN Bangla. The serial tells the story of a young girl named Tara, and how her life changes after the death of her mother. She used to be very close to her mother and after her death, things change drastically for Tara. Her father shows her no affection whatsoever and blames her for bringing bad luck to the family.
In order to win back her father's affections, she decides to follow everything he says. Her father remarries soon after. However, Tara doesn't cease her efforts to win back his love and affection. She receives the emotional support from her step-mother in the whole ordeal, and it is she who helps Tara in her small quest. This serial portrays the relationship between the parents and the child and especially the relationship between a father and a daughter.
Another Version of the Serial...
The story of the Nayanthara series begins with a businessman Adideb. The business and his wife are essential to Mr. Adideb. After a prolonged 10-year marriage, a daughter is born, but his wife, Averi, dies. , Adidas starts to hate his daughter. Fans will observe some twists early on as Adideb’s Gaurav is with graying hair, so 20 years will end at a fast pace. Now Madhuja, Tara's mother-in-law, Loves her so much, even though Adideb doesn't like it. So, will the relationship between father and daughter stabilize in the future? To know the answer, you have to watch this Nayantara series. Adidev and Averi are a happy couple. They both Love each other very much. The only thing that does not have is a child. In their married life of 10 years, Averi is unable to conceive.
One day, Averi becomes pregnant, but she soon learns from her gynecologist that she has complications. Adidev tells Averi that it could be life-threatening and tells him to have an abortion. But Averi is reluctant, and she dies giving birth to her daughter. Adidev cannot assume his Averi, his wife's death, and blames his daughter for her mother's death and begins to hate her. Dramatically, the scene moves twenty years ahead. Tara has grown up and is now a beautiful girl, but she still lacks her father's Love and affection. While in recent years, her father married another woman and has a daughter. Tara lives with their grandmother, her mother-in-law, and her sister-in-law.
They think Tara is the same as her father Adidev. But over the years, they learn that she is not a reason for her mother’s death, and now they're trying to make up for it. Tara falls in Love with a man named Sam but hides her feelings from her family due to her father. However, despite her father's hatred, events that happen over time lead to set up on Tara's stepmother, grandmother, and sister-in-law, and end up getting married.