Desher Maati is a Bengali television drama series that premiered on the Jalsa channel on January 4, 2021. It is available on the Disney+ Hotstar digital platform. Its final episode aired on October 31, 2021. Magical Occasions The Show is produced by Saibal Banerjee Bio coming soon... >> Read More... and Leena Gangopadhyay's Motion Pictures. They were directed by Saibal Banerjee and Sujit Payin, respectively. Shruti Das Shruti Das is an Indian Television actress. She pr >> Read More... , Dibyojyoti Dutta Dibyojyoti Dutta is an Indian actor who worked for >> Read More... , Rahul Banerjee Rahul Banerjee also known as Arunoday Banerjee is >> Read More... , Tathagata Mukherjee Tathagata Mukherjee was born on May 15, 1985. He i >> Read More... , and Payel Dey play the lead roles, while Rita Dutta Chakraborty Rita Dutta Chakraborty is an actress of Tollygunge >> Read More... , Bharat Kaul Bharat Kaul is an Indian-Actor. He primarily works >> Read More... , and Anindita Raychaudhury Anindita Raychaudhury is an eminent Bengali artist >> Read More... play prominent supporting roles. It's a family drama with a romantic subplot. This demonstrates the central theme of staying connected to your roots and values. Its plot revolves around the Mukherjee family's return to Swarupnagar to rediscover themselves.