Amar Babin is a Bengali family drama TV serial that aired on Ruposhi Bangla. The serial revolves around the life of a sweet young boy Ayush and her relationship with his estranged father Rahul. Ayush and his mother have lived their entire life alone. Ayush has never lived with a father’s presence and still leads on a happy life with his mother. His happiness is short-lived as his mother, Sudakshina sadly passes away leaving the little soul left alone. He remembers his mother’s revelation about his father that he lives in Kolkata. After her death, little Ayush runs away from his convent and goes to Kolkata without much thinking. In a new city, Ayush struggles to live by himself and look for his father in a lot of different places. His struggle and turmoil finally comes to an end when he reaches the exact place where his father lives.
Surprisingly, he reaches the house exactly when Rahul is all prepared to get married to Gargi. Being a kid he does not realize the situation and runs straight to his father and claims being his son. Such a big revelation shocks many people during the wedding ceremony and because of this, Gargi’s family finds out that Ayush is the product of one of Rahul’s affairs and they call off the wedding in anger. Rahul is extremely upset and holds the innocent boy responsible for this chaos and disturbance in his life. He feels as if Ayush has ruined everything and is the cause of all his miseries. But eventually things change and they form a bond. The sweet nature and innocent heart of the little boy melts Rahul’s heart and makes him turn into a father he deserves. Their newly made bond will win the hearts of many people. This serial aired on Ruposhi Bangla from Monday to Saturday at 8:30 pm.