TVF Bachelors is a Hindi web series broadcast on the TVF. In the first episode, a ghost-buster is attending clients when his own lemon turns red which is an indication that there is a ghostly presence. After that, he encounters a female ghost who has come to meet him as she is sick of the bachelors living in her apartment. The bachelors are named Shiv, Badri, Bhuvam Bam, and Jassi. She tells him her problem that they listen to violent songs that burst her ears, sleep so late in the night that she falls asleep before it is the time to frighten them they have late-night parties at her apartment with their friends, the alcohol that goes around in these parties and makes them puke, and the dirt they make of her apartment including the smelly bed-sheets. The legend goes that there used to be engineering college at the place where the apartments now stand, so the ghost thinks that that place is cursed to always be rented to bachelors.
The Ghost Buster reminds her that it is her job to frighten people not the other way round afraid of them as she is genuinely afraid of these four bachelors. He advises her to follow some tricks. The ghost tells him that when the weather is good, she decides to frighten them by using banging windows, but her efforts to make a ghostly environment go in vain, as they decide to drink alcohol and celebrate the good weather. The mirrors are so dirty that her shadow is not even visible when she tries to scare them. She does her ghostly dance or possess someone once in a while to scare them the bachelors think that that person is high or doing some drugs. The Ghost Buster gives her advice to make them realize that there is a person other than these four in the apartment by cleaning their apartment. When the bachelors come home and see the washroom is clean, that frightens them. The Ghost Buster tells her to cut their nails or write spoilers of Game of Thrones on their walls as these things would frighten them the most. The Ghost Buster tells her to change her appearance, as even the ghosts in the movie ‘
The Conjuring
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’ are fresh and beautiful. She tries to look like Bhuvam’s ex-girlfriend. When all of them come home the ghost is all-ready and singing a weird song, sitting in Bhuvam’s room as his ex-girlfriend. But Bhuvam, instead of getting scared, starts flirting with her. The ghost leaves the apartment and goes to live in the house of the Ghost Buster. But he tells her that he is also a bachelor.
The second episode of this series consists of the fight between the landlord and the bachelor inmates. The bachelors always tell their landlord that they are not at home, whenever he plans to visit them, to keep in check the cleanliness of the apartment. This time, the landlord disguises himself as an insect killer and enters the house on the pretense of cleaning their kitchen. He calls the bachelors to ask whether they are at home. They reply they are not and their lie gets caught as he is standing right behind them. The house is filthy and the landlord threatens to throw them out. The neighbors are also in support of the landlord. He keeps a deal with the four bachelors. The bachelors would be exempted from paying the rent, for the next three months, if they manage to clean the house in the next five days, before Diwali plus he promises to crush their weed for them. If they are not able to do this, they would have to pay triple the rent for the next month. Bhuvam agrees but the other three refuse to help him as they consider it practically impossible. They cannot even pour tea into their cups without spilling it.
Bhuvam starts the cleaning and vows to not smoke for the next five days as it makes his hands shaky and that spills the tea. But the daughter of the landlord comes to help them. She teaches them how to clean the house. They have kept leftovers from the last three months in their house. She makes a rule chart for them. The bachelors think that their trash has got stolen but it is actually taken by the garbage collector. This scene is very funny. The bachelors are full of bad habits. But the landlord comes to know about this and takes his daughter away. The bachelors are left to clean the apartment themselves and just have one day left. All of them lost hope and just Bhuvam is left to clean the kitchen. When the owner comes to check, he believes that the kitchen must be dirty as however much you prepare for the paper on the last day, something is still left. But the owner’s daughter called Bhuvam’s mother at the right time and the kitchen is beautiful because ‘a kitchen can only be cleaned by a mother the best.’ In the third episode, there is a description of a dry day in the bachelor’s life. This is a day when no alcohol is available. They bring a bottle after great difficulty but the watchman steals their Saturday- night inappropriate pictures and blackmails to give the beer bottle to him. He leaves a letter in place of their pictures. This letter contains the bachelor’s alcohol-party pictures. Jassi says that he saw someone when the three were out. They call a sketch artist who is a child. He creates a copy but that contains a picture of the blackmailer’s arm.
Jassi later explains that his arm was only available when he asked for the towel, while he was in the bathroom. Meanwhile, the watchman threatens to send their inappropriate pictures to Bhuvam’s mom. He wants to get their beer bottle as it is dry day and alcohol is practically nowhere available. Bhuvam invites the watchman to have a party with them. The bachelors have four suspects. The first one is Bhuvam’s uncle, his ex-girlfriend, apartment number 104 bachelors, and the man whose arm they drew. The first three people’s identity is available but the last man’s name is not. The man, from whom the bachelors got the beer bottle, is the one who told the watchman their location. The watchman orders them to deliver the bottle at a location. The watchman uses a pair of binoculars, to see if the bottle is a fake one, and contains apple juice. The watchman tells the bachelors his story on phone. The watchman community is angry that these people, who do not give them their supply of alcohol, even at the festivals. They are taking revenge on the bachelors. He tells them their sad story and in the end, the bachelors give him the beer bottle.
The fourth episode consists of the bachelor's fight with the morning alarm. As Bhuvam’s dad always comes in the morning the bachelors have to get up early which the most difficult task. They change their house completely to suit Bhuvam’s father’s interests. His friends become cultured and religious to impress Bhuvam’s father. They start doing prayers. This episode’s story is based on the funnier version of the movie ‘Munna Bhai MBBS. There is a man named Ashiq Mastana who runs a yoga club. He meets Bhuvam’s dad in the park where he is doing yoga and scolding his son, as his son wants to go back home and sleep. He curses to control his anger and calls this his therapy. Neighbor Ashiq Mastana knows that Bhuvam never gets up early and tells his father the truth. He becomes very angry with Bhuvam. Bhuvam takes this to his heart and promises to get up early at 5 am every day. Even the phone alarm is not strong enough to wake them up so they use a loudspeaker and get up and join Ashiq Mastana’s yoga classes.
They steal his newspaper and start distributing pamphlets to invite all the uncles who are students in Ashiq Mastana’s class to join their night club. In this way, the yoga-class attending uncles stay up late all night and are not able to attend Mastana’s morning session. The night-club includes parties, computer games, alcohol, movies, and wrestling. But one neighbor complains that he has to make presentations and has to wake up all night. The night-club is disturbing him and he needs silence. Bhuvam hugs him and he too becomes a part of the night club along with the watchman, and Mastana’s son Zaheer. Bhuvam helps Zaheer wake up for his exam as he can make anyone wake up the whole night. Zaheer has to study the whole night or else he would fail. Mastana brings their papers to throw the bachelors out of the house. All the society members have to sign it. But they all have got attached to Bhuvam and his night club. Bhuvam makes Mastana understand that he should have taught his son ‘how to get up all night’ and also tells him not to scold his son when he comes home failing from the exam. Bhuvam’s father hugs and says that he is proud of his son. Actually, Mastana called Bhuvam’s father to tell him that his son is a nice boy and helped him learn an important lesson that nights are also beautiful. Mastana now runs a night club, the same as Bhuvam ran.