Dil Se Diya Vachan, also known as ‘A Promise Made Straight From The Heart’ is a drama television series that depicts a captivating true-to-life story of a profound love, belief, bond and affection between a mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law. Dil Se Diya Vachan is a remake of the Tamil television serial, '
' which broadcasted on Sun TV. The series was directed by
Ajay Veermal
and Niraj Gupta, under the production of
Kalyan Guha
, Pintoo Guha and Harsh Dave.
In the present civilization, a relationship between a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law is often filled with prickly tensions and always complicated. This makes the story unusual since the relationship of Dr. Kalyani Rajadhyaksha (played by
Neena Gupta
) and Nandini Rajadhyaksha (played by
Vandana Joshi
) was in striking contrast to the reality.
Dr. Kalyani is the mother of Prem Rajadhyaksha (played by
Gaurav Khanna
) and the husband of Nandini. She loves and cares Nandini as if she was her own daughter. But Nandini was raped by Krushna Karmarkar (played by
Ajay Chaudhary
). This incident happens and a after a long time, Prem comes to know the truth. She records everything on tape and sends it to her husband including her letter. She told Prem that if he is still willing to accept her despite everything, he will come to the fort where he first proposed to Nandini. But after hearing half of the tape, while Nandini is telling him how much she loves him, he came in a rush to the fort where Nandini decorated it beautifully. On seeing her husband, Nandini thinks that Prem already knows the truth, but when Prem returns to home and listened to the entire content of the tape, he feels betrayed. Prem and Krushna have a fight and later in the story, Krushna dies.
But he just pretends to be dead since he wants Prem to put in jail so he can finally get Nandini. Through all these times, Dr. Kalyani stood by her daughter-in-law but Krushna kills her. Sumati (played by
Abigail Jain
) played as Prem’s lawyer who fights for his case and at the end of the story, Prem and Nandini will be proved innocent, and Krushna land in jail. Prem and Nandini reunite in the end. The serial became a hit among the viewers, but the production had to take the show off air due to Neena Gupta’s health issue. Dil Se Diya Vachan was also dubbed in Arabic and was aired on Zee Alwan in year 2013.