Vignesh Menon is a debutant Kollywood director and writer. He worked as director and writer for the movie Asurakulam, in which stars like Thambi Ramaiah and John Vijay were cast. The movie is yet to be released which has Sabarish and Vidya Pradeep in the lead. Prior to this movie, he directed and wrote the movie Vinmeengal. This movie got positive...
Anand Jeeva was a popular Indian cinematographer, also known by the name of J Anand. His first film was Vinmeengal, which was directed by Vignesh Menon. His next feature film was Naveena Saraswathi Sabatham which got released on November 29th, 2013. Anand Jeeva took birth in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu as the oldest child of father Jeeva Nanthan and mother Thamizharasi....
C Sathya is a director and composer of music and also a singer from India. He has his origins in the Southern part of India. People remember him best for his work in the film with the name of Engaeyum Eppothum. Engaeyum Eppothum was the first movie to which he contributed his talent. He was the music composer in the...
S Vijayan is a South Indian actor, director and stunt co-ordinator who works in the Tamil film industry, Hindi film industry and the Telugu film industry. He is also known as FEFSI Vijayan, Pepsi Vijayan, Fightmaster Vijayan or Vijayan Master. He is the father of the South Indian actor Shabarish Vijayan. Vijayan worked as a stunt director in movies like Mantri...
Shabarish is an actor by profession in the Indian film industry. He works predominantly in the Tamil film industry. He was born on the 30th of December in 1984 as Shabarish Vijayan in Chennai which is situated in Tamil Nadu, India. He is the son of FEFSI Vijayan who is a stunt director by profession in the South Indian film...
Thambi Ramaiah, an Indian film actor, and director is considered as the busiest actors in Kollywod appearing in maximum movies that released in 2014. Once upon a time, he did not even how to make a foray into Kollywood. Anticipating for someone to give a chance in films, he had to wait till his luck could get him a status...
John Vijay was born in 1976. John is a Tamil film actor, who has contributed on playing many brace roles. He has mostly attempted the role as a comedian and villain in Tamil films. John did his Master of Science in Visual Communication from Loyola College....
Paul Michael alias Lal started his successful journey in Malayalam film industry with the blockbuster movie “Ramji Rao Speaking” (1989) which was later re-made even in Hindi as Hera Pheri. In this film he took the effort to tie up with Siddidque who was his childhood friend, and their partnership continued for five or six films, after which they had...