Linda Cardellini is an actress and a voice artist, known for her roles in television shows such as “Freaks and Geeks,” “ER,” Mad Men, and Bloodline. Cardellini has also provided voice-overs for animated series like Regular Show, Gravity Falls and “Sanjay and Craig.” Linda was born to parents, Wayne and Lorraine Cardellini, in California. Cardellini discovered her passion for drama...
Caroline Goodall, an English-born actress and an accomplished screenwriter, a publisher, a mother and a journalist, shot into prominence after she was nominated for the AFI nomination award owing to her performance in “Hotel Sorrento” (1995), and the 1989 mini-series ‘Cassidy’. The furtherance of hype for her acting was eminent in Schindler's list (1993), Princess Diaries (2001), ‘Hook’ (1991), ‘Cliffhanger’...
Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty. For tonight, we dine in hell! and This is Sparta!” Don’t you just love these words? Be considerate that this could be the real words uttered by King Leonidas in “The Great Battle of Thermopylae on September 8th – 9th – 10th in 480 BC. As the historians exploits the gallantry of the sleepless...
One of the most respected actors in Hollywood. Known for his supreme portrayal of characters and a true refined and not a typical actor. Born as Gary Leonard Oldman on March 21, 1958 in London, England. Aside from being a filmmaker and actor, he is also a known musician. Made his first role for the movie “Remembrance” as Danniel, followed...
Mikael Nyqvist is a Swedish actor, born on 8 November 1960. He is currently 56 years of age with a height of 1.78 m. He acquired his acting skills at the School of Drama in Malmo. In 1997, the first series of Beck films was made, he played the role of police officer Banck and became very popular from that....
Neal .H. Moritz was born on Jun 6 in 1959. He is an American producer and former executive at Sony Pictures, and presently an executive at Paramount Pictures. He was born in Pittsburgh and later moved to California after falling ill with rheumatic fever at age eight, whereas his doctor cautioned the family to move to a higher climate. Moritz was...
Trevor Morris is a Canadian based music producer and orchestral composer. He was born on 25 May 1970 in London, Ontario, Canada. He has composed sounds for several television shows, films, and video games. He went to St. Mary's School as a kid, where he learned violin and choir daily. When he was thirteen years of age, he was assigned...
Mark Taylor is a former Australian cricket player. He was the Australian cricket team captain succeeding the former captain, Allan Border from 1994 through 1999. He was also the Test opening batsman from 1888 through 1999. Mark Anthony Taylor was born on 27 October 1964 in Leeton, New South Wales, Australia. His father, Tony Taylor was a bank manager while...
Toby Stephens is a great actor, who had graduated from London Academy of Music and Dramatic Act. Technically, as an actor, he has no peer. He is flawless. No other actor( American and British) of his age can touch him. This Hollywood actor is the son of Dame Maggie Smith and the late Sir Robert Stephens. Robert Stephens died when...