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A few movies carrying messages on existence of God are queuing up to be released in theatres and many have turned hits. So, God is alive at least in the box-off

God’s Not Dead Movie Review

God’s Not Dead Movie Review English
Review for the film " God’s Not Dead"
Streaming On: Netflix
Runtime: 1 Hour 53 Minutes
Certificate: UA
Released: 21-03-2014
Genre: Drama
2.5 / 5.00
3.54 / 5.0



A few movies carrying messages on existence of God are queuing up to be released in theatres and many have turned hits. So, God is alive at least in the box-office. The movie ‘God’s Not Dead’ is a melodrama unraveling university system in the US which tries to pin the mouth shut if anybody says ‘God is Not Dead’. 

The movie throws light on the fact that Christianity is indeed being attacked by a few factions in the United States. And, the worst is that the very education system in the American Universities is evangelist for atheism. 

The movie ‘God’s Not Dead’ has a few guest appearances. Josh Wheaton, played by Shane Harper Shane was born in La Jolla, California and is the >> Read More... , does a college-going guy in ‘God’s Not Dead’. But, he is in a dilemma as his belief is being questioned by his philosophy professor Radisson. Either he has to prove that God is dead and make good his escape or he should prove the existence of God. Other students in the class find an easy way out by jotting down points disproving God’s existence. Josh shakily stands up to say he cannot write anything disproving the existence of God. Professor Radisson gives Josh the herculean task of proving God’s existence. Josh needs to research well, and at the end of semester, argue with Radisson about existence of God. In case Josh does not achieve the end, he will fail in his ambitions in philosophy. Nobody is there to stand by and support, and Josh wonders whether he can really put up a fight. Josh is almost at the verge of thinking ‘God is dead’. If he does so, he can get away with it easily. 

There are a few melodramatic scenes in the movie. The movie shows breakups in relationships. One breakup occurs as Mark, character in the movie, finds out that his girlfriend Amy suffers from terminal illness. So, he ditches her. Also, Mark refuses to meet his own mother who suffers from dementia. In yet another case a Muslim girl Ayisha is disowned by her father as she converts to the religion of Christianity. 

In the movie, there are arguments between the professor and the student. In the first two arguments the professor corners the student with arguments disproving the existence of God. The movie proves to be a true melodrama when the twist comes. The student Josh, during the third debate asks the professor ‘Why do you hate God’, and the answer comes as bolt from the blue. There is a sad side to the professor’s life which made him an atheist. 

But, the average quality of the movie shot in the backdrop of Louisiana shows out in few scenes.



What is the genre of "God’s Not Dead"?


Who directed "God’s Not Dead"?

Harold Cronk

What is the duration of "God’s Not Dead"?

1 Hour 53 Minutes

When was "God’s Not Dead" released?


Cast & Crew

Who composed the music for "God’s Not Dead"?

Will Musser


What is the plot of "God’s Not Dead"?

Plot revolves around Drama, etc.

Ratings & Reviews

What is the critic's rating for "God’s Not Dead"?


What are the audience ratings for "God’s Not Dead"?



Is "God’s Not Dead" suitable for all ages?

Yes, it's rated UA

Can I watch "God’s Not Dead" online?

No, it will be available soon on Netflix

Who is the editor of "God’s Not Dead"?

Vance Null


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