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Beautiful Poorna Is A Horror Specialist!

Thursday, September 22nd, 2016
Beautiful Poorna Is A Horror Specialist!
“Poorna,” the talented young actress is said to be a horror specialist. The actress who made hits including “Avunu” and Raju Gari Gadhi, seems to have set the preference for the horror genre. Yes, recently she has signed a film, titled, “ Avanthika Click to look into! >> Read More... .” It is heard that she plays the titular role and the film has gone on the floors, yesterday. During the launch Dasari Narayana Rao Dasari Narayana Rao is an Indian cinema director w >> Read More... and “ C Kalyan C. Kalyan is a producer in the Telugu and Tamil fi >> Read More... ” were present. Raj Balla, who directs the horror thriller says that Avanthika would become a hit in the series of horror hits like Arundhati. Although Poorna’s Avunu 2 didn’t click, she has been poured with the horror offers. Two of her Tamil films of the horror genre are at the post-production stage. It seems the horror filmmakers who can’t afford top actresses, prefer Poorna to get moderate success. If offers shower her with money, there is nothing wrong in signing horror films, isn’t it! Stay tuned with us for the latest updates!