“Baahubali,” the stunning story has been penned by ‘S. S. Rajamouli’s father, “K. V. Vijayendra Prasad.” People, who are praising the film, had never forgotten to congratulate Vijayendra Prasad for his fantasy story. The latest news about Baahubali story is that Vijayendra Prasad has taken the story line from Shivagami Parvatham, a novel by
Anand Neelakantan
, a Hindi writer. As per the novel, Mahishmati’s King kills Shivagami’s father by false accusation. Later, Shivagami proves that her father is not an accused. As per the people’s request, she becomes the queen of Mahishmati and captures the throne. Now, Vijayendra Prasad’s story starts after this, says a report. Whatever it might be, it is visually proved that none could bring so much of grandeur to the film like Rajamouli and Vijayendra Prasad. Hats off to your efforts, KVVP and SSR!