“Padmaavat,” the film had undergone a name change and several cuts by the suggestion of the CBFC. Now, the protesters are not allowing the film to release. The Padmaavat crisis seems to be continuing. Karni Sena doesn’t have any mood to stop the issue. When some of the stars support the film, they are not open with their opinion, as they fear that they would be targeted. Now, the actress
Renuka Shahane
, who doesn’t care about anything, shared a few photos on Facebook that clearly say that she is sensible. Yes, the actress posted a photo of Ban on Padmaavat and crossed it and she posed with three pluck cards that have the captions, “Ban Rape,” “Ban Female Foeticide” and “Ban Sexual Molestation.” Although the director
Sanjay Leela Bhansali
had fought hard for the release, he had been targeted by the Karni Sena and some more movements that address themselves as Rajput savers.