As per the latest changes to Apple’s product list, the iconic iPhone 6 Plus has become officially obsolete. The tech giant added this decade-old phone to its list of obsolete products, which means repairs and services for this phone through the stores and authorized providers are no longer available.
Apple considers its product obsolete when after seven years since the product was last sold through its authorized channels. The iPhone 6 Plus was first launched in September 2014 together with the iPhone 6 and was discontinued in September 2016 after a two-year run.
With the introduction of larger screen displays and mobile payment capabilities via Apple Pay, the iPhone 6 lineup represented a significant advancement for Apple’s smartphone ambitions. However, because of the rapidly evolving technology, newer and more powerful iPhones have outshined the former flagships.
Consumers normally upgrade their iPhones after three to four years of usage, while some will take five to six years with thorough battery replacements. Hence, Apple 6 Plus users will not be happy with this sudden news.