Dil Banjaara, was previously entitled Gypsy, is a Pakistani Television drama serial aired on the Channel Hum TV on 14 October 2016. Siraj-ul-Haque directs this serial written by Faiza Iftikhar and produced by Momina Duraid under the production house MD Productions. It starred Adnan Malik, Sanam Saeed, and Mira Sethi in prominent roles.
The story is about a girl, Nida, who has a lot of dreams as she wants to travel the whole world, write poetry, and live carefree without any tension. But, she has a lot of responsibilities as she lives with a physically challenged father, a mentally weak mother, and a strict Tayi, and she has a Phupho who wants Nida to marry as early as poss...
The path to justice is not an easy one to walk on. Every step you take brings you misery. But the most important thing is to not give up till the end. This story reveals that through the lives of Mannat, Wajid, and Nayab. Mannat's friend Nayab gets raped and killed by Wajid. When Mannat comes to know the truth, she fights with all she has. She gets threatened by Wajid in different forms. He makes her suffer at different extremes. Yet, she stays strong to bring justice for her friend.
Wajid's sister, Haya, believes in her brother being innocent and supports him. But when she learns the truth, he can't help but apologize to Mannat and ...
This show delivers a unique story of two couples who now have been separated by a proper customer and system. This is a story about a rebellious wife, a conservative husband, and a graceful lover. This show is pretty different from a regular drama series as the storyline is exceptionally unique. This show shows the ups and downs of three people's lives and how they struggle to live happily by not drifting it apart. Zara was an easy-going woman who was free-spirited and liked to the fullest but  is married to a typical conservative-minded Jazib. Jazib is a typical conservative male, who is controlling by nature and plays a prominent male role in the family. Zara and Jazib were married for years and had two kids. However, she no l...
In today's hustle and bustle, why it's important to communicate with your loved ones? In this modern era, people are getting engrossed in their professional life to fulfil their basic needs that they are compromising their relationships. Actor Fahad Mustafa, a famous Pakistani actor, portrays the husband, and Sarwat Gilani famous Pakistani actor, played as the wife in a series called "Koi Nahi Apna." It was aired on April 9, 2014, and was directed by Badar Mehmood and written by Sana Fahad, and produced by Fahad Mustafa. The show was based on compatibility and bond between husband and wife. Fahad Mustafa and Sarwat Gilani were once a happily married couple who loved each other passionately.
They both respect eac...