Kon Honar Crorepati season 3 is an Indian game show shown in the Marathi language and aired on Sony Marathi. Kon Hoeel Marathi Crorepati is the official Indian Marathi language adaptation of the Sony Pictures game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? The Marathi version of this show will feature Marathi actor Sachin Khedekar as the anchor. The Comedian Swapnil Joshi hosts this show. Later the show was mainly hosted by director Nagraj Manjule. The season also featured special Karamveer episodes about people who have done an excellent job in the social sector on the show. The first Karamveer called on the show was Adhik Kadam. He had been working since 1997 for the children of Jammu and Kashmir and helping the communities with emergency med...
Maharasthrachi Kitchen Queen is a reality TV Marathi cooking show where talented female chefs, from Maharashtra compete against each other. The show started premiering on 15 May 2023. The show gives a platform to all the infamous female chefs, of "not too fancy or rich" backgrounds to come and show their skills to the world.A number of the Marathi entertainment industry's famous celebs come as guests in the show and make it all the more graceful and empowering.
Indian Idol Marathi is the Marathi version of the all-India pop show Indian Idol. The popular music-competition format show premiered in November 2021. Indian music composer duo Ajay and Atul graced the show as judges. Swanandi Tikekar and Prajakta Mali stood as hosts for the TV show. Sagar Mhatre won the title of the debut season. Each episode had a runtime of 45 minutes. Studio auditions led to the selection of 15 contestants who competed on the show and appeared on TV. The competition proceeded with the elimination of contestants through various rounds, with a combined score of judges and an audience voting system. Finally, five contestants were selected for the grand finale. The series had been quite popular on Marathi regional TV.
Khupte Tithe Gupte is a Marathi-language television series aired on channel Zee Marathi. The show is beautifully hosted by Avadhoot Gupte. The show’s concept is quite interesting as it brings famous celebrities who express their point of view on the things which they could not do, career paths they could not take due to some inevitable reasons. It is a talk show where Avadhoot Gupte has an informal chat with these celebrities about their life and their achievements.
Tharala Tar Mag is an Indian Marathi language soap opera airing on Star Pravah, which premiered on 5 December 2022. It is an official remake of a Tamil TV series, Roja. It was directed by Sachin Gokhale and produced by Aadesh Bandekar and Suchitra Bandekar. The series mainly concentrates on the story of an optimistic girl, Sayali, raised in an orphanage. She meets her biological father, Raviraj, but they are unaware of each other’s identities. Sayali grew up in an orphanage and had a sweet, kind disposition.
There comes another character named Arjun, who is the other lead role in this series. Arjun, humble despite his wealth, is a leading criminal lawyer. Sayali is l...