Baraxun is an Assamese television drama series that premiered on the renowned Assamese channel Rang TV. Love is blind and it takes you on a wild journey filled with happiness, adventure, and heartbreaks. The show’s storyline deals with a simple, and beautiful girl who becomes blind in love with a man. She falls for him unabashedly and becomes delusional. The story highlights the protagonist’s rollercoaster journey of love filled with challenges, misunderstandings and sadness.
Jibon Nodir Dhou is an Assamese television series that revolves around the lives of Bikram and Kasturi, as well as the struggles and complexities in their relationship. The story happens in a typical village of Assam which follows Assamese culture and traditions. Bikram is a young guy who wants to be successful in his life. So he decides to leave his village, to settle down in the city. He came out of the traditions and culture and wanted to lead a happy life of his own whereas Kasthuri is a kind hearted woman who loves the cultures and traditions of the village and is deeply rooted to it. She loves to find joy in the little things. As Bikram and Kasturi gradually fell in Love, they faced several challenges a...
Nedekha Nodir Ghat (2019) is an Assamese serial airing on Rang TV channel. The project is headed by Riniki Bhuyan Sharma. The series is based on the story of Jayanta Deka. The series has been directed and co-produced by Moloy Paban. Diganta Bharati has created the main opening theme song of the serial. Nedekha Nodir Ghat plays out the full circle of karma. Chandramohan Chaliha is a business person with all traits. The only truths he agrees to in life are profit and loss. His greed for money and power is prominent and this leads to an unfortunate accident that causes a poor family to lose their child. The man carries his dead son’s lifeless body to Chandramohan’s gate and curses him with a fate where he would have to pine for ...
Nilanjana is an Assamese TV serial that aired on Rang TV. This is a women-centric serial that breaks the norms that are usually set for women in society. Who says that a woman cannot achieve anything in life? Without women, society will not be able to function, and one such example is this serial. This serial shows how Nilanjana, a young married woman is not afraid to break the stereotypes about women. She faces any challenges that are thrown at her with extreme strength and bravery. Being a woman in an unjust society brings many difficulties and disadvantages, but Nilanjana is ready to take them all with a smile on her face. She is a rebel who stands against the unjust nature of the society. While doing so, she also inspires many people...
Sagarika is an Assamese TV Serial that is telecast on Rengoni TV Channel. The story of the serial revolves around a girl named Sagarika, who is madly in love with a boy, but her family disapproves of the pair because the boy does not belong from appropriate good social and financial background. They asked her to start a fresh life with another partner.
The show drove the audience crazy with its super interesting plot. The cast of the serial includes some amazingly talented actors like ‘Sunita Kaushik’ as the lead character, and ‘Anurag Baruah,’ ‘Kukil Saikia,’ ‘Biswa Boxi Nath,’ ‘Himanshu Gogoi,’ and ‘Kangkan Rajkhowa’ in pivotal roles.
The birth story of Nupur is similar to that of Kunti Putra Karna. Nupur was born result of her mother's unsuccessful love affair, followed by her abandonment by her lover. Her family members and relatives forced her to kill her child even before it was born. But Nupur's mother decided to go against them, and after a struggle, she gave birth to Nupur. But in our society. Being a child without a father is worse than being an orphan. So Nupur's mother left her at the door of an orphanage. She was the owner of the orphanage, and she looked after Nupur like her own daughter. Nupur learned to spread love with a pure and charming heart. But she fell victim to the plot of a selfish opportunist. What pure heart will Nupur face against...