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Assamese Director Names Starting With Alphabet M

1. Munin Barua

Image An Indian filmmaker, actor, and writer by the name of Munin Barua. He was born in Assam, India, in 1948. His work in Assamese cinema is what made him most famous. A well-known Indian film director named Munin Barua has made a name for himself in the Assamese cinema industry. Having written scripts and worked multiple jobs, Munin made his directorial debut with Pratima in 1987. Pita Putro (1987), Pahadi Kanya (1991), Prabhati Pokhir Gaan (1992), Nayak (2001), Kanyadaan (2002), Rong (2004), Dinabandhoo (2004), and Raamdhenu (2011) are just a few of the films he has worked on throughout the years. When Assamese film faced a hard patch in 2000, Munin's smash hit Hiya Diya Niya was instrumental in bringing the sector back to life....
Date of Birth: 05-11-1946
Date of Death: 07-04-2018
Star Sign: Scorpio
Gender: Male
Language: Assamese
Skills: Director
Date of Birth: 05-11-1946
Date of Death: 07-04-2018
Star Sign: Scorpio
Gender: Male
Language: Assamese
Skills: Director

2. Manoj Saikia

Image Bio coming soon......
Gender: Male
Language: Assamese
Skills: Director
Gender: Male
Language: Assamese
Skills: Director

3. Manujit Sharma

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Gender: Male
Language: Assamese
Skills: Director
Gender: Male
Language: Assamese
Skills: Director

4. MituParna Chakravarty

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Gender: Male
Language: Assamese
Skills: Director
Gender: Male
Language: Assamese
Skills: Director

5. Monjul Baruah

Image Bio coming soon......
Gender: Male
Language: Assamese
Skills: Director
Gender: Male
Language: Assamese
Skills: Director

6. Munna Ahmed

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Gender: Male
Language: Assamese
Skills: Director
Gender: Male
Language: Assamese
Skills: Director


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Nalini Bala Devi Assamese Author
Born: 23 March 1898

Lived For 79 Years

Nalini Bala Devi - (Author)