Uday Shankar Pani isa producer and director of many Indian Films. He was born on 6th September 1951 in Odisha, brought up in Delhi, studied in South Indian school(Kannada), and is now settled in Mumbai. While growing up he had no interest in cinemas but was into sculpturing, sports, painting cartoons, and theatre. He wanted to join the army but failed to clear dozens of competitive exams but later got selected in the Film and Tv institute of Pune and soon realized that cinema is the king of all professions. After passing out he assisted many filmmakers and later started directing his short films. He made some prominent short films and advertising films which made a landmark in the world.
He earned the reputation of best assistant director after working on his first foreign production Shalimar directed by Krishna Shah Krishna Shah was an Indian director. He was a well >> Read More... . This reputation helped him to become the first assistant director of the film ‘Gandhi ‘ directed by Richard Attenborough. Another career highlight happened when he was hired in BBC’s Jim Corbett. For the past decade, he has directed many films, advertisements, music videos, events, etc, and has been busy as a faculty member of many film schools. He has a daughter whose name is Bhavna Pani Bhavna Pani’s father Uday Shanker Pani, left his n >> Read More... . Now he is one of the thirteen jury member of many film festivals.