Subas Rout is an Indian producer who works mainly in the Odia film industry. He is known for “Suna Panjuri,” a drama that was released in 1995, written and directed by Rabi Kinagi, produced by Subas Rout and Purna Chandra Raut, Amarendra Mohanty composed the music, and Bijay Mohanty, Siddhanta Mahaoatra, and Indira Krishnan played the leading roles and “Singha Bahini,” a drama that was released in 1998, written and directed by Raju Misra, produced by Subas Rout, and Mihir Das, Asrumochan Mohanty, and Uttam Mohanty played the leading roles and Debu Bose, Anushree Das, and Jyoti Mishra played the supporting roles.
His other works include “Bhagya Hate Doro,” a drama that was released in 1993, dire...
Swastik Choudhury is a native of Rourkela mini cosmopolitan town in the eastern Indian state of Odisha. After completing his formal education at St Paul's School. He actively participated in the two college magazines, one literary and one technical, and was a part of the editorial board for both. He is involved with different types of cultural activities and sports, therefore his interaction with varied categories of people will provide him with an opportunity to learn more. He found his calling only when he started a film club for his organization but not so since the beginning. Initially, looking forward only to making some usual films, he got the chance to know what is the difference between movies and cinema. His friend Amartya B...