Munna Khan, popularly known as Mujibulla Khan, is an Odia actor and politician. He was born on January 13, 1963. He completed his Matriculation from Andhra University in 1983. He started acting in movies like Mamata Ra Dori in 1989, Kie Kahara in 1997, Mu Premi Mu Pagla in 2011, and Mu Kana Ete Kharap in 2010. He started his political career at 23 and joined the political party Janata Dal and then, joined Biju Janata Dal after its formation. He was also a minority cell president for an extended period. He was elected a Member of the Parliament of India in the 2020 Indian Rajyasabha Elections. He was among the four members of parliament from Biju Janata Dal, elected without opposition. After this, the BJP decided not to conduct any state election.