Zinnia is a Pakistani Urdu-language drama series that aired on channel PTV Home. The show is a beautiful adaptation of a famous tv show "Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier. The show features Gia Ali, Janna Malik, Sania Saeed For the Karachi born Pakistani TV actress Sania Sa >> Read More... , Kashif Mehmood Kashif Mehmood is a prominent Pakistani actor and >> Read More... , Erfan Khoosat, Shazia Afgan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Kanwal Khoosat, Nasreen Qureshi Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Tauseef Zia, Tasneem Kausar and Afzal Ahmed, Firdaus jamal, and Rasheed Naaz in pivotal roles. While the show was directed by Sarmad Khoosat  Sarmad Khoosat was born on May 7, 1979,in Pakis >> Read More... , the story was penned down by Rishi Khan. It was produced by Irfan Khoosat Irfan Khoosat is a famous Pakistani film & televis >> Read More... . The Director of Photography was Safdar Ali, while the Editing and Graphics were done by Zeeshan Aslam.