Kaliyan is an Urdu TV show that aired on PTV Home. It is a popular Pakistani puppet show. The show features entertaining content that includes traditional storytelling, music and humour. It can be watched not only by children but also by adults. The show revolves around the daily lives of its puppet characters. It showcases various incidents happening in their lives. It includes their social life, friendships and family relations. The show provides many moral lessons to the audience through its comedy. It makes the show not only entertaining but also educative. The show showcases various colourful puppet characters. Each puppet has its personality and traits. This includes Kaliya, who is the central character of the show. He is a mischievous and entertaining character. The other supporting character is Kali, who is Kaliya’s companion. There are also other supporting characters like society members and friends. The puppets of this show are manipulated by skilled and talented puppeteers. The show also features catchy music and visuals. It makes the show even more enjoyable for the audience.