Zindagi Tum Ho is a Pakistani Urdu drama serial aired on Hum Sitaray. It began airing in 2014 every Friday as a part of Hum Sitaray’s soap opera rebranding. Directed by Furqan T Siddiqui, the family drama stars Shahood Alvi Shahood Alvi is a Pakistani TV Artist, Producer, a >> Read More... , Juggan Kazim Juggan Kazim is a Pakistani-Canadian model, televi >> Read More... , and Arij Fatima in lead roles. It is a family drama serial mixed with emotions of the interconnecting and intertwining of the paths of four people in a tale of love and hatred. Zindagi Tum Ho is a captivating story filled with twists and turns, focusing on duty, loyalty, and dishonesty. The tale follows four main characters: Ahsan, Esha, Savera, and Saad. Each character holds different priorities – Ahsan and Esha value relationships above all, while Savera and Saad prioritize wealth.
The love and the contradicting relationships between the characters make the plot. This recommended watch guarantees to enthrall viewers as they remain engaged until the end. With its intriguing plot and engaging characters, Zindagi Tum Ho promises to keep audiences glued to their screens throughout the story. A Gold Bridge Productions and story written by Saima and Erum Wasi, the show also features Bushra Ansari Bushra Ansari is the daughter of noted Pakistani w >> Read More... , Manzoor Qureshi  Manzoor Qureshi was a popular Pakistani actor b >> Read More... , Nighat Zafar Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , and Yasir Mazhar as additional cast.