Waada was a 2016 romantic drama series that aired on ARY Digital. The show is directed by Syed Atif Hussain Syed Atif Hussain was a Pakistani film director an >> Read More... . It explores complex themes of love, loyalty, and betrayal within a troubled marriage. The show revolves around Sumaira ( Shaista Lodhi Shaista Lodhi is a Pakistani actress, TV anchor an >> Read More... ), a devoted wife and mother, and her wealthy businessman husband Shahab ( Faisal Qureshi Faisal Qureshi is a well-known Pakistani anchor an >> Read More... ), who promises to never leave her side. Then Jaana ( Saboor Ali Saboor Ali, is one of the beautiful models and act >> Read More... ), a former maid's daughter enters their life. She has a bitter past. She intentionally seduces Shahab and ultimately succeeds in marrying him. Despite all the vows, their lives get disrupted. The cast includes Ismat Iqbal  Ismat Iqbal is a Pakistani Television actress, >> Read More... , Srha Asghar Srha Asghar is a Pakistani Actress famous for her >> Read More... , and others. The show has an overall 23 episodes.